* Write consistency levels make the following guarantees before reporting success to the client: * ANY Ensure that the write has been written once somewhere, including possibly being hinted in a non-target node. * ONE Ensure that the write has been written to at least 1 node's commit log and memory table * TWO Ensure that the write has been written to at least 2 node's commit log and memory table * THREE Ensure that the write has been written to at least 3 node's commit log and memory table * QUORUM Ensure that the write has been written to <ReplicationFactor> / 2 + 1 nodes * LOCAL_QUORUM Ensure that the write has been written to <ReplicationFactor> / 2 + 1 nodes, within the local datacenter (requires NetworkTopologyStrategy) * EACH_QUORUM Ensure that the write has been written to <ReplicationFactor> / 2 + 1 nodes in each datacenter (requires NetworkTopologyStrategy) * ALL Ensure that the write is written to <code><ReplicationFactor></code> nodes before responding to the client. * * Read consistency levels make the following guarantees before returning successful results to the client: * ANY Not supported. You probably want ONE instead. * ONE Returns the record obtained from a single replica. * TWO Returns the record with the most recent timestamp once two replicas have replied. * THREE Returns the record with the most recent timestamp once three replicas have replied. * QUORUM Returns the record with the most recent timestamp once a majority of replicas have replied. * LOCAL_QUORUM Returns the record with the most recent timestamp once a majority of replicas within the local datacenter have replied. * EACH_QUORUM Returns the record with the most recent timestamp once a majority of replicas within each datacenter have replied. * ALL Returns the record with the most recent timestamp once all replicas have replied (implies no replica may be down).. */
writeの場合ONEはレプリカセットのどれか一つに書き込み(commit logに書き込めてmemory(memtable)に行けば完了)出来たらOKで、QUORUMの場合はレプリカセットの数/2+1をして、その数が書き込み成功したらOK。